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Were you or someone you love caught shoplifting in Millburn? You have probably been perusing the internet only to come up with confusing, overwhelming information. At LS&P Lawyers, we guarantee that after a consultation with us your mind will be at ease and you will feel more confident going forward. Millburn Municipal Court and Essex County Superior Court hear a fairly large number of shoplifting cases, largely attributable to the Short Hills Mall. The amount and value of merchandise taken will determine which court the case will be handled in. At LS&P Lawyers we have over three decades of experience representing clients in courts throughout the state on a wide array of criminal offenses and a wealth of experience representing clients charged with Shoplifting.
We understand that most shoplifters are not violent criminals. Usually they are individuals who had a momentary lapse in judgment. However, the New Jersey Courts take shoplifting offenses very seriously and a conviction can render serious consequences. The fines, penalties, and restitution payments that can follow a shoplifting conviction can be steep. Even more important to consider is the consequence of a tarnished criminal record. A shoplifting conviction can make it difficult to find a job or may cost you the job you already have. For example, if you are a teacher or a nurse a shoplifting conviction could cost you your career. If you have been charged with shoplifting it is imperative that you speak with us right away.
Our criminal defense attorneys have had great success in getting our clients favorable outcomes. In the past, we have successfully convinced the court and the prosecutor that our clients are the perfect fit for Pre-Trial Intervention (PTI). Short of an outright dismissal, PTI is a favorable outcome in which after a successful period of supervision (much like probation) the charge is dismissed and will not appear on your record.
At LS&P Lawyers we understand that shoplifting offenses often take place on the weekends or holidays, which is why we make ourselves available 24/7 regardless of the day of the week. There is always someone to take your call! Schedule a consultation by calling us at 908-709-0500.