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Have you been caught purchasing a money order through illegal means? Did you use stolen credit card info to purchase a money order? Or perhaps you borrowed a family member’s credit card and now you’re facing all sorts of criminal charges. Unfortunately, these types of actions can have severe consequences that you might not have considered. By purchasing a money order illegally you have exposed yourself to 2nd degree charges in New Jersey as well as possible federal charges.
At LS&P Lawyers we have over 35 years of experience representing clients charged with criminal offenses through the New Jersey and Federal court system. In recent years we have specifically gained experience defending clients charged with crimes stemming from the illegal purchase of money orders. In fact, we currently have several clients facing these types of charges.
All of the charges stemming from purchasing or selling illegal money orders can quickly escalate to second degree charges with the possibility of up to 10 years incarceration and thousands of dollars in fines and restitution. In addition, these there are federal implications. Often the FBI and U.S. Attorney’s Office will get involved with these types of crimes that can cross state barriers.
Specific offenses you may be charged with are:
Being charged with the crime of Credit Card Theft means that you face a term of incarceration and thereafter a number of other collateral consequences. Among other things, this includes a requirement that you pay restitution to the cardholder. It will also become extremely difficult for you to obtain legitimate loans or credit for yourself.
In our experience, a common situation is one in which the individual who is caught and charged with a crime(s) is often a “mule” of sorts. In other words, he/she is just the person hustling on the ground and taking orders from someone else who is running a large scale operation. It is often more difficult for police to catch the leader of the operation and therefore the individuals on the ground are the ones that are caught. If this resonates with you, please contact us immediately to schedule a consultation. We will fight aggressively in your defense to achieve a favorable outcome on your behalf.
Being convicted of credit card fraud, purchasing money orders illegally, writing bad checks, forgery or any other of these white collar offenses can tarnish your reputation. It will make it difficult to obtain or keep employment. You need to speak with an experienced attorney to discuss your options. Call the Law Offices of LS&P Lawyers 24/7. We are always here to take your call!