Bedminster Municipal Court

ADDRESS: 55 Miller Lane Bedminster, NJ 07921
PHONE: (908) 212-7020
COURT SESSIONS: Every Tuesday at 4:00 PM
JUDGE: Hon. Robert J. Foley
PROSECUTOR: Richard Guss, Esq.
LS&P Lawyers defense attorneys have over 35 years of combined experience in Municipal Court defense, including DWI and traffic violations. We have a DWI attorney certified in the administration of Alcotest and the administration of the Field Sobriety Tests. This attribute is unique to our firm. Few attorneys in New Jersey have these certifications. The legal team of LS&P Lawyers has over 35 years of combined Criminal/Traffic defense experience. We have successfully represented hundreds of people in Municipal Court charged with crimes or traffic infractions.
If you or someone you know has been arrested or issued a traffic ticket in Bedminster, contact us to get an experienced attorney on your side. We are here to assist you -- day or night. Call us today to start your defense at 908-709-0500!
Why is my Case in Bedminster Municipal Court?Your case is in Bedminster Municipal Court because you were either arrested, issued a summons, or a traffic ticket by the Bedminster Police Department. The Bedminster municipal court hears disorderly persons offenses (commonly called misdemeanors in other states), traffic violations, and DWI cases. A disorderly persons offense is considered the least severe form of a criminal offense. Common examples include underage drinking, property theft (if property is worth less than $200), criminal mischief, simple assault or shoplifting. Traffic violations such as speeding, reckless driving, and driving while suspended are also heard in the Municipal Court. Two major highways, I-78 and I-287, pass through Bedminster, fueling the number of traffic infractions heard in the Municipal Court.
A unique aspect of municipal court is that there are no juries. What does this mean for you? This means only one person will hear your case: the judge. The Bedminster Municipal Court is presided over by Hon. Robert J. Foley. He graduated from Seton Hall University Law School and has almost 40 years experience practicing law.
What can Happen to Me?Even though the cases in Bedminster Municipal Court do not include serious crimes such as murder and other indictable offenses (called felonies in many other states), they can still have life altering consequences. For a disorderly persons offenses, you may risk a criminal record, jail time, loss of your driver’s licenses and fines, fees, and other penalties. Convictions can affect your employment, future employment, your ability to get credit and in some cases, even your rights as a parent.
It is important that you understand what potential ramifications you are facing and prepare to mount the best possible defense. The lawyers of LS&P Lawyers will fight for your rights by negotiating the best deal or trying your case. If you are scheduled to appear in Bedminster Municipal Court contact us at 908-709-0500 for a consultation.