Edison Municipal Court

ADDRESS: 100 Municipal Blvd. Edison, NJ 08817
PHONE: (732) 248-7328
COURT SESSIONS: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9 AM and Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 PM
JUDGE: Hon. Gary M. Price
PROSECUTOR: Joseph Lombardi, Esq.
The criminal defense team of LS&P Lawyers has over 35 years of combined experience representing clients for all criminal, DWI and traffic cases. In addition to our experience, we have specialized training in DWI (driving while intoxicated) defense. One of our attorneys is certified in the Alcotest and field sobriety procedures used by the police during DWI arrests. This knowledge allows us to find weaknesses in the States case and use them for your advantage.
Why is my Case in Edison Municipal Court?Edison is one of the largest municipalities in New Jersey making the municipal court hectic and often very overwhelming. Edison Municipal Court presides over all disorderly persons and DWI cases. A disorderly persons offense is a less serious crime then those that are indictable in the county superior court. Disorderly persons offenses include crimes such as underage drinking possession of less than 50 grams of marijuana, trespassing, harassment, simple assault, and other minor crimes. However, don’t let this description fool you, a conviction for one of these offenses can still have serious effects on your life including a criminal record, and even up to 6 months in jail. A DWI conviction can also lead to similar punishments in addition to a mandatory suspension of your drivers license. The lawyers at our firm will use their extensive experience and knowledge to provide you with the best defense possible.
The Edison Municipal Court also collects outstanding parking and traffic tickets given out in Edison.
The Edison Municipal Court is presided over by Hon. Gary M. Price. He graduated from Seton Hall School of Law admitted to the New Jersey Bar in 1988.
Contact UsThe attorneys of LS&P Lawyers will expertly defend you and give you an improved chance in court. If you are having legal issues, contact our office immediately. We are available 24/7 for consultation and are located at 123 North Union Ave in Cranford, NJ 07016. We will put you in touch with one of our experienced attorneys right away. Our phone number is 908-709-0500.