Essex Fells and North Caldwell Joint Municipal Court

ADDRESS: 136 Gould Avenue Caldwell, NJ 07006
PHONE: (973) 228-6420
COURT SESSIONS: Second and fourth Thursdays at 6:00 PM and first and third Thursdays at 9:30 AM, if necessary
JUDGE: Hon. Donald O'Connor
PROSECUTOR: Richard Verde, Esq.
Have you been arrested or issued a summons in Essex Fells or North Caldwell? If so, we are here to assist you.
The Essex Fells and North Caldwell Joint Municipal Court only hears minor criminal charges, DWI and traffic violations. Offenses such as underage drinking, trespassing, simple assault, criminal mischief, resisting arrest, possession of drug paraphernalia and disorderly conduct are all considered disorderly persons offenses. These crimes are the least severe criminal charge in New Jersey. Although these offenses are the least severe crimes in the state, if you are found guilty, you can receive devastating punishment. If you are scheduled to appear before this court it is imperative you at least consult an experienced and aggressive trial attorney to learn what you can about your charge and how to handle it. Our team at LS&P Lawyers has been successful in cases like these all over the state and we will use our tried and true strategies from to help you. We offer unique expertise in DWI defense with certifications in police conduct and tactics used in drunk driving arrests. Few other attorneys in the state have the same qualifications.
Whatever your charge may be, the attorneys of LS&P Lawyers are ready to represent you. We will use our years of experience and success to your benefit. If you have any questions or concerns about your case, contact our offices immediately. We are located at 123 North Union Ave in Cranford, NJ 07016 and can be reached at (908)-709-0500. We look out for your best interests!