Rahway Municipal Court

ADDRESS: 1 City Hall Plaza Rahway, NJ 07065
PHONE: (732) 827-2039
COURT SESSIONS: Mondays at 9:00 AM and
Thursday at 2:00 and 7:00 PM
JUDGE: Hon. Roman Montes.
PROSECUTOR: Richard Fazzari, Esq.
The legal team of LS&P Lawyers has been representing individuals charged with crimes for nearly four decades. If you have been arrested or brought in for questioning with respect to a crime contact us right away. As always, the initial consultation is free. We will investigate the details of your case and develop a defense strategy in preparation of court. Together, our team has successfully represented hundreds of people charged with crimes or traffic infractions. At LS&P Lawyers we also have an attorney with multiple certifications in DWI defense. Don’t hesitate to contact us for advice! We can be reached 24/7.
Why am Required to Appear in Rahway Municipal Court?The simple answer is you were arrested for a disorderly persons offense, a DWI or you received a traffic ticket in Rahway. A disorderly persons offense includes a number of different minor offenses: possession of less than 50 grams of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, disorderly conduct, obstruction, criminal mischief, shoplifting etc. Common traffic offenses in the area include speeding, driving without insurance, reckless driving, and leaving the scene of an accident. These may not seem very severe, but if you are convicted the consequences can be devastating. In municipal court the fines are high. A conviction will also mean you will have a criminal record that will follow you throughout your life. It could impact obtaining credit, obtaining employment and even keeping the job you currently have. Other consequences that can stem from a conviction is a loss of license, community service, probation and even the possibility of jail time.
DWI convictions are even more unforgiving, so it is essential for you to seek experienced and aggressive legal representation. Our attorneys have years of practice with these kinds of cases and will know how to handle your charge. The Rahway Municipal Court is presided over by Hon. Roman Montes. He has 20 years of experience practicing law.
About RahwayRahway is a town of 27,346 in the New York metropolitan area. The violent and property crime rate is lower than the national average, but offenses like burglaries and robberies are still present in the town. The abundance of minors in the area leads to many disorderly persons offenses commonly associated with teens, such as possession of less than 50 grams of marijuana, underage drinking, simple assault, criminal mischief, etc. The municipal courthouse in Rahway in general hears 15 disorderly persons cases and 75 DWI infractions & traffic ticket violations weekly.
The lawyers of LS&P Lawyers will represent you in a professional manner. We will give you our honest opinion and discuss the best options for your situation. No two cases are alike and each requires undivided attention. If you found yourself in a legal jam contact us right away.
The offices of LS&P Lawyers are available 24/7 for consultation and are located at 123 North Union Ave in Cranford, NJ 07016.