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New Jersey Criminal Defense and
Immigration Attorneys

New Jersey Criminal Defense LawyersDecades of Experience Successfully Representing Clients Throughout The State. Former Prosecutor Working for You

"It is not a question of guilt or innocence. It is about making sure that the police and the state do not violate your rights. It is about holding the state and the police to the highest standard and making sure they don't overstep their authority. A good criminal defense lawyer is sometimes all that stands between you and the possible tyranny of government."

We do our jobs the right way, which means that you will get the best result. That may mean a not guilty verdict after trial. That may mean a dismissal of your case. We may reach a truly favorable and beneficial plea agreement. The outcome will be the best possible, as long as we continued to apply our decades of criminal and municipal court defense experience to each and every case.

Being arrested by the police in New Jersey and charged with a criminal or traffic offense is just the start. A conviction for a criminal, traffic, or DWI offense may seriously and adversely affect your life. Family, employment, education, and immigration are just a few of the areas that may by impacted. You could be fined a significant amount of money or even be sent to prison. You could lose your license, be deported or lose a professional license. You can be fired from your job. The consequences for a conviction of any sort could have far reaching impacts you could have never imagined. We are here to help avoid it. We are here to help you beat it. Our experience and vast knowledge of the intricate synergy between the law, government, and resolution of your case will ensure that we get you the best possible result. Find out how the New Jersey criminal defense attorneys at Lubiner, Schmidt & Palumbo can help you or your loved one.

Todd Palumbo has represented thousands of clients in Superior and Municipal Courts all over the State of New Jersey. He is a highly successful criminal attorney. The multitude of clients he has represented have never hesitated to highly review him. It is clear from those reviews that he cares deeply about each client. It’s not just about the “big” case. The traffic ticket is just as important as the 1st degree indictable offense. He is a trained Alcotest Operator and trained in the administration of the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests and has, in addition to his criminal defense success, he has won many DWI trial throughout the State. He is always available to his clients and a tenacious litigator.

David Schmidt is a former prosecutor and was one of the lead District Attorneys in his Unit in Brooklyn NY. He has tried complex criminal cases with a number of impressive jury wins. He has represented those facing serious allegations including sex crimes, murder, and gang activity. He is a true advocate and a meticulous in his preparation.

How the New Jersey Criminal Defense Lawyers at Lubiner, Schmidt & Palumbo can Help You or Your Loved One

If you have been arrested and charged with a crime, you may feel as if the walls are collapsing on you. The thought of a criminal conviction and what it can mean to your life will consume your thoughts night and day for weeks, or even months. The New Jersey criminal defense lawyers at Lubiner, Schmidt & Palumbo will make every effort to work towards a resolution of the criminal charges that will be in your best interests. We will attempt to resolve the criminal matter hanging over you so that it becomes part of your past and not an impediment to your future.

Theft Crimes / Shoplifting N.J.S.A. 2C:20 et al.

Persons convicted of theft crimes can face significant penalties. Moreover, the stigma of a theft conviction can negatively impact that person’s job prospects, housing availability, etc., going through life. No matter the level of theft crime with which you have been charged, you need an attorney who will take these charges as seriously as you will. If you have been charged with shoplifting or some other theft crime, immediately contact the criminal defense lawyers at Lubiner, Schmidt & Palumbo so we can begin to prepare your defense. Theft offenses are enumerated in

Drug Crimes N.J.S.A. 2C:35 et al.

The attorneys at Lubiner, Schmidt & Palumbo have extensive experience representing people charged with possession, possession with the intent to distribute, manufacturing or trafficking in prohibited drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, etc. We will be your strongest advocates in court and will prepare a comprehensive defense to the charges. The sentencing provisions for drug convictions are some of the harshest. Mandatory periods of incarceration, astronomical fines, vehicle and property forfeiture, and extended loss of license are all on the table in some cases.

Traffic Ticket Offenses N.J.S.A. Title 39

Given the congestion in New Jersey and the number of interstates and highways crossing the state, drivers in New Jersey are frequently cited for traffic violations by local, county and state police. Conviction of some driving offenses can mean large fines. It can also lead to points on a driver’s record, which may result in expensive insurance surcharges, license suspension and even license revocation. Contact the New Jersey traffic ticket attorneys at Lubiner, Schmidt & Palumbo for a consultation if you have received a traffic ticket in New Jersey. DWI is also included under this section. Although DWI based on alleged alcohol or drug intoxication is under title 39, it deserves its own practice area. A conviction for a violation of N.J.S.A. 39 4-50 is quasi criminal in nature.

Weapons Charges N.J.S.A. 2C: 39 et al.

Weapons charges are treated very seriously under New Jersey law. New Jersey police and prosecutors treat weapons offenses very aggressively. Weapons charges are often combined with other criminal offenses (such as robbery) which make the potential penalties more severe. If you are facing weapons charges, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side. Of the weapons offenses charged, gun charged, handgun or long gun, are typically the most serious. Simply transporting a handgun in an improper way could result in a mandatory 42-month prison sentence. Don’t let this happen to you. You need lawyers who understand this truly draconian law.

DWI / DUI / Refusal Charges N.J.S.A. 39:4-50, 4-50.2, 4-50.4

A conviction for a DWI/DUI/REFUSAL can have serious consequences for both your professional and personal lives. Todd Palumbo is a trained Alcotest operator and trained in roadside Field Sobriety tests. The drunk driving defense team at Lubiner, Schmidt & Palumbo has handled hundreds of drunk driving cases over the years and will fight to clear you of drunk driving charges and fight to protect your reputation.


For many people, mistakes they made when they were young and immature that turned into a criminal conviction have followed them into their adult years. However, expungement is a process whereby prior reported criminal convictions may be removed from a person’s criminal record. If you have a criminal conviction in your past it is worth your time to consult one of our experienced attorneys to see if an expungement can work for you.

Sex Crime Charges

If you have been charged with a sex crime, you need an experienced New Jersey sex crime attorney in your corner. Conviction of sex crime charges can have a significant effect near term and on your future. You need a New Jersey criminal defense attorney who will fight for your rights and work towards the best outcome possible for you or your loved one. Contact us now so we can explore how to fashion your defense. Megan’s Law sex offense registration, mandatory extended term prison sentences, parole supervision for life…you may have already heard some of these terms if you are charged with a sex offense, including possession of distribution of child pornography. These are serious life altering consequences. You need a team of lawyers who know the ins and outs of these statutes and how to defend sex crime cases.

Juvenile Offenses

If your minor child, relative or family friend has been arrested, we can help you and the child navigate the juvenile criminal justice system. Conviction of juvenile offenses can lead to incarceration and have a negative impact on the child’s future. We can help prepare the child’s defense and work towards a resolution which will protect the child’s future. Contact us immediately to begin the process of resolving this matter. These are tough but frequently resolvable cases. Don’t get strong-armed into a resolution that you don’t understand. T he impact of a juvenile adjudication may be more serious than you could imagine.

White Collar / Economic Crimes

White collar crimes, such as check/credit card fraud, employee theft, bribery and forgery, do not often make the headlines unless the criminal or the victim are somehow noteworthy or a substantial amount of money is involved. But the penalties for conviction of white-collar offenses can be as severe as those involving violence or weapons. If you have been charged with a white-collar offense, contact our team of lawyers at Lubiner, Schmidt &Palumbo.

New Jersey Immigration Attorneys Decades of Quality Representation in Immigration Matters

Today I have a green card, and I cannot thank Mr. Lubiner enough for all the hard work he put into my case. He is one of the most committed and knowledgeable lawyers I've worked with, and I highly recommend him and his practice.
Lilia B.

Lubiner, Schmidt & Palumbo is a full-service immigration law firm based in Cranford, New Jersey, handling immigration matters nationwide. We represent individuals, families and businesses. Alan Lubiner served as an Immigration Officer and Attorney for the Immigration and Naturalization Service for more than five years. He also served as a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney assigned to special prosecutions and assisted in the drafting of immigration legislation for the Select Commission on Immigration in Washington, D.C. Mr. Lubiner and the Firm represent both individuals and companies in all types of immigration matters including non-immigrant (temporary) and immigrant (green-card) visas, changes of status, students, priority workers and extraordinary ability aliens, citizenship and deportation matters.

Lubiner Schmidt & Palumbo provides exceptional legal counsel to individuals and companies to develop appropriate strategies to facilitate to their immigration needs. Whether working with companies or individuals, the caliber of immigration services, the proactive approach to each individual case, and cutting-edge technology, ensures a smooth experience for all of our clients.

Business Immigration

Our firm has reputed and experienced business visa lawyers who assist corporate clients in obtaining temporary and permanent immigration status for their executive, managerial and professional employees in virtually every visa category. We also represent individuals, who, because of their extraordinary ability in their fields, or because of their substantial investments in the United States, do not require corporate sponsorship to immigrate. We advise our clients about the best short-term and long-term strategies to obtain a business visa in the USA for their specific needs. Our US business immigration attorneys counsel them on a wide range of business immigration visas, including:

  • B-1 visa for Business visitors, Domestic Employees, Academics, Researchers and Students
  • E-1/E-2 visa for Treaty Trader/Investor
  • E-3 visa for Australian specialty workers
  • H-1 Employment based visas
  • H-3 trainee visa
  • I visa for Journalists & Members of the Media
  • J-1 visa for Exchange Visitor, Academics, Au-pairs, Interns
  • L-1 visa for Intra-company transferees
  • O-1/2 or P-1/3 visa for Persons with extraordinary ability in Sciences, Arts, Education, Business or Athletics
  • R-1 visa for Religious Workers
  • TN (Treaty National) visas under North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Family Immigration

Our firm specializes in family-based petitions, marriage-based adjustment of status and the necessary waivers to overcome excludability issues which may arise during the course of the application process. We are also experts in securing temporary K and V visas to allow couples to be together in the U.S. while their green card status is pending.

Student Visas

Student visas are one of the most popular means by which young people enter the United States on a temporary basis. The appropriate categories are: F-1 (academic students), M-1 (vocational students) and J-1 (exchange students). The attorneys at Lubiner Schmidt & Palumbo can assist you and your family to maintain your status, obtain work authorization in certain circumstances and assist you when something goes wrong with your status.

Permanent Residency

Permanent Residency, also referred to a “green card” or immigrant visa, allows entry into the U.S. with the intention of staying. Green card holders can work at any job in the United States. There are two major ways to obtain your permanent resident status-Consular Processing and Adjustment of Status. Consular processing is the process for individuals located outside the United States with an approved visa petition to obtain their immigrant visa at the U.S. consulate abroad so they may enter the United States as a permanent resident.

Adjustment of Status is the process for individuals already located in the United States. These individuals do not need to leave the U.S. to obtain a visa, rather they adjust their status to that of a lawful permanent resident.

Not sure which category applies to you? Not sure if you qualify for either category? Give us a call or send us an email with your information and we will reach out for a consultation to determine if you are eligible to receive Legal Permanent Resident Status.

Citizenship And Natuaralization

Naturalization is the method that the USCIS uses to grant citizenship to citizens or nationals of foreign countries once they have met all of the congressional requirements laid down in the Immigration and Nationality Act.

In most cases, an applicant for the naturalization process must be a permanent resident (green card holder) before filing. Naturalization can only be granted in the United States with the exception of certain U.S. military members and their dependents.

If you are unsure if naturalization is the appropriate route for you, it is advisable to have a naturalization lawyer assess your circumstances.

Removal / Deportation

If you are not a United States Citizen and have been arrested and jailed, there is a very real possibility of Immigration placing a hold or "Detainer" on you in order to determine your status and possibly take you into immigration custody, where you will be further detained — even if you have already posted your criminal bail. You may thereafter be served with a Notice to Appear and compelled to appear in Immigration Court where the government will seek to remove you. If you or someone you know is in this type of situation, it is crucial that you have the best legal representation you can afford. In many instances, an "alien" in immigration proceedings has less rights than a criminal defendant. Retaining a tough, smart legal team that knows its way around the courts and knows how to deal with local judges and immigration prosecutors can make an appreciable difference between whether you are deported or allowed to stay.

Immigration FAQs Diversity Immigration Visa Program (Green Card Lottery)

The Diversity Lottery provides immigration visas/green cards to individuals who are under-represented in the overall mix of immigrants coming to the United States. Each year several million people apply for a visa under this program.

Lubiner, Schmidt & Palumbo was founded in 1984. Since that time, the immigration attorneys at the firm have successfully handled thousands of immigration matters for individuals, families and businesses.

Lubiner, Schmidt & Palumbo’s business immigration department handles all areas of business immigration including, but not limited to, the following types of visa types: H-1B, L-1, Green Card cases including EB-1 (including extraordinary ability and outstanding researcher petitions), EB-2 , (including advanced degree alien and national interest waiver applications), labor certification applications, doctors and nurses, and B-1/B-2 extensions. We not only handle all of these matters but also represent clients in appeals and motions to reopen these matters.

Due to our experience and longevity in the field of Immigration law practice, Lubiner, Schmidt & Palumbo has had the privilege of assisting and witnessing the legalization of generations of family members. We have assisted the parents, grandparents, children and grandchildren of our clients to come to and legalize in the United States. We have accomplished this not only through our legal expertise in immigration law but also our caring service and personalized attention to each matter.

If you or a loved one is seeking permanent resident status in the U.S., it is important to have a highly experienced and knowledgeable immigration attorney on your side. At Lubiner, Schmidt & Palumbo, our accomplished legal team has helped thousands of clients achieve their dream of becoming U.S. residents and citizens. To learn more about our services and to discuss your specific circumstances, please contact us by email or by dialing 908-709-0500. We can help you through every step in your journey to permanent U.S. residency.

Before going to LS&P Lawyers, I consulted 3 immigration law firms and all of them told me they can't help me and will not be responsible for me being deported back to the Philippines. At LS&P Lawyers, the attorneys told me that I will get my green card and showed me the legal basis. I felt greatly relieved and a new hope emerged. I'm so thankful to God for this blessing and commend LS&P Lawyers because I am now a green card holder. Conrado B.

Why Call the New Jersey Immigration Lawyers at Lubiner, Schmidt & Palumbo?

For many foreign citizens seeking permanent residence in the U.S., the path to becoming a green card holder can be overly-complicated and tedious, requiring years of dedication and significant financial investment. However, consulting with an experienced and knowledgeable immigration lawyer from the very beginning can help eliminate these complications. There are countless regulations and exceptions that may prevent the success of your application, but the NJ immigration law firm of Lubiner, Schmidt & Palumbo has the years of experience and up-to-date knowledge of U.S. immigration law necessary to help our clients avoid any missteps. Contact us to discuss your circumstances and eligibility for permanent residency during a consultation. We are committed to providing efficient legal representation to individuals and families throughout the immigration process.

Client Reviews
Today I have a greencard, and I cannot thank Mr. Lubiner enough for all the hard work he put into my case. He is one of the most committed and knowledgeable lawyers I've worked with, and I highly recommend him and his practice. Lilia B.
I want to thank LS&P Lawyers for its help and guidance throughout my application. They made my process smoother and easier. Rob and I felt a lot more secure having them as our lawyers. I am very happy everything went well and I got the approval. We will get in touch when the next step to take is near. Once again thank you!!! Lucia H.
Before going to LS&P Lawyers, I consulted 3 immigration law firms and all of them told me they can't help me and will not be responsible for me being deported back to the Philippines. At LS&P Lawyers, the attorneys told me that I will get my green card and showed me the legal basis. I felt greatly relieved and a new hope emerged. I'm so thankful to God for this blessing and commend LS&P Lawyers because I am now a green card holder. Conrado B.
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